co to za rama?

W kolejnym odcinku cyklu:
"co ja mam za ramę?"
- tym razem ja nie mam pojęcia co to dokładnie jest, może ktoś z Szanownych forumowiczów rozpozna?

Lekka nie jest, odmalowana w perłowym szarym,
ale ma przyjemnie retro geometrię i wieszak na canti...

Macie jakiś pomysł? Tajwańskia masówka czy coś bardziej markowego?




No proszę - wygląda na to że jakieś tam kawałeczek historii:
(z ... 717#641717 )

"grisley bikes belonged to BH bikes from Vitoria, Spain a traditional bike manufacturer here (not high spec or custom bikes, just that they were building the bikes that everybody was riding for generations here... road, "bmx", cruisers, mtb... you name it and there was a bh there)
During the mid 90s they hired Peter Grisley from USA, who was supposed to design the frames and put his name on them, and the flag too...but the brand behind was BH. I think they did this for marketing reasons.

At some point not after their foundation they tried to sell Grisley bikes in USA and several other countries apart from Spain (that was their main market) in Europe, so yours belong to that era... i lost track of the brand but it was discontinued as the mega tubes altough shocking and spectacular did not provide a good compromise between rigidity and weight.... they did not use light butted alu so they were pretty rigid but not light at all. It was just that alu was popular when compared to Chromoly for the mass market by then and its look with those big tubes helped the sales

They were popular here in Spain for a few years but obviously not looked as a premium brand, just solid mid range bikes for the mass market.

I think that during 1995 they had the best two national riders on their bikes (Manuel Martinez Costa & Juan Carlos Garro) that had a good season on them"

znaczy się Hiszpanka z amerykańskimi genami...

na deser to:

(z: ... 108023.htm )

ach te opony...

Dziękuję za pomoc.

ANDRIUBIKER pisze:grisley jak juz ...
dokładne takiego samego mieli na wystawce - ale stan normalnie szok. Gościu za żadne skarby nie chciał sprzedać...

Fakt faktem że to ciężkie, toporne i wygląda tak sobie :roll:

no fakt megakupa nie była lekka , ale za to oryginalna , górna rura jak u mnie kanalizacyjna , niektórzy kolanami obijali po bokach :lol: , ale nie było to jakieś takie cudo żeby od razu szał retro.....takie tam sobie coś tam.

Oj tak od razu tak fekalnie... po prostu zazdrościcie mi hiszpańskiego retro-rurociągu! :P

Po zestawieniu z Manitou nawet dobrze wygląda,
niestety rama jest dla mnie za mała... pójdzie na jakąś wymiankę.